JEE Main will be conducted in complete online mode from 2020. So the comparison between JEE Main offline and online exams is no longer valid.
The question from many JEE Main aspirants is – Which mode of examination to choose, online or offline?
While choosing between the JEE Main pen paper based exam and the computer-based test, you need to see the pros and cons of both the mode of examination.
Difference Between JEE Main Online and Offline Paper
Difference between JEE Main pen paper based exam and computer based test is the use of technology to conduct the examination. The former (offline) is tried and tested method of conducting the entrance examinations from many years, right from the start. The later (online) is the need of the hour for more security and fast result processing. Most of the pen and paper based exams already shifted to online mode, including the recently announced JEE Advanced. JEE Main likely to go complete online from 2019.
Let’s see the merits and demerits of both – JEE Main Offline and Online Test.
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Advantages of Choosing JEE Main Offline (Pen Paper) Mode of Examination?
You are habitual of giving this mode of examination. It may come naturally to you. The confidence level can be high in pen paper based exam.
You may not require to solve online mock tests (although online test series are very popular these days and most aspirants practice them).
Disadvantages of Choosing JEE Main Offline (Pen Paper) Mode of Examination?
The advantages of online mode below are disadvantages for offline mode of examination. You can not change the answer, and reviewing questions, marking answers is time consuming.
Advantages of Choosing JEE Main Online Mode of Examination?
JEE Main online exam will be conducted one week after JEE Main offline exam. You will have advantage of one extra week for the preparation.
You can change the answer of a question in online mode. In pen paper based examination, the answer once marked is not liable to be changed.
You can mark a question for review later. Going back to reviewed question will be much easier in online mode.
In online mode, there is no need to worry about the right way of filling circles. You just need to select the answer with a mouse. This saves time.
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Disadvantages of Choosing JEE Main Online Mode of Examination?
If you have not practiced online mock tests then you can face problem in JEE Main online test. You can be uncomfortable and nervous. It may affect your focus and concentration required to complete the exam. [Generally in online test, concentration can be higher as your system is covered from both side, so you can’t see anything else your test, complete privacy.]
Rough sheets will be provided separately in online mode. Looking back and forth between computer screen and rough sheet can take some extra time. [This time can be covered with pros of online test].
In case of a system failure, suppose computer stops working, even though time will be paused and you will not lose any time, still it can affect your flow when you resume the test again.
Is JEE Main Online Exam Difficult than Offline Exam?
The pattern of the JEE Main paper, as well as the difficulty level, would be same for both the pen-paper as well as the computer-based test. It’s just the change in format of conducting the examination.
Why to Choose Online Mode for JEE Main?
The JEE Main online exam will have some extra benefits over pen paper based exam. It will help you to be confident for JEE Advanced exam which will be conducted in complete online mode. These days you have plenty of options to practice JEE Main online mock tests, well in advance. If you are comfortable solving the online tests, you can choose online mode for JEE Main.
The JEE Main online exam will not be much different than the online mock tests.
Finally, it’s all about your comfort level. What counts more is your practice method. If you practiced offline, go for JEE Main offline mode. If you practiced online (or planning to do), go for JEE Main online mode.
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