Udacity Google India Scholarship

Udacity Google India Scholarship

Udacity Google India scholarship is a joint initiative by Google and Udacity to offer scholarships in web and Android development nano degree programs to students from India. The successful applicants who choose to pursue either of the programming courses will be provided with the option to start from beginner or intermediate level based on the skills of the applicant. A total of 15000 scholarships are provided out of which 10000 are for beginner level programmers and 5000 are provided to intermediate level programmers.

Eligibility Criteria

Students who are interested to apply for the Udacity Google India Scholarship should satisfy the following conditions to able to successfully apply for it:

  • Applicant should be at a minimum of 18 years of age.
  • Must be a resident of India.
  • Employees and families related to the scholarship, inclusive of Udacity, Google and the advertisement and marketing agencies promoting the scholarship are not eligible to apply. Exceptions may apply provided that it is overturned by the local jurisdiction.
  • The participants who have enabled the scholarship will be required to sign a declaration of eligibility.

How to Apply for Udacity Google India Scholarship

The application process is completely online. Any student who matches the eligibility criteria and wishes to apply should take the steps provided below. The application process is likely going to take around 10-15 minutes. The application form is common for all the application irrespective of the area of interest of the applicant.

  1. Click on this link to go to the application page.
  2. Click on the Apply Now button.
  3. Sign up for the Udacity account if you don’t have one already.
  4. If you already have a Udacity account. Sign In using that account. Otherwise, Sign In using the recently created account.
  5. Fill up the required fields in the application form.
  6. After filling up the required details. Press the SUBMIT button to successfully submit the application.

Documents Required

There are no documents required at the time of application. Upon receiving the scholarship, Google receives the right to contact the winners through mobile numbers and email address provided by the applicant at the time of application.

Selection Procedure of Udacity Google India Scholarship

The selection procedure of Udacity Google India Scholarship will be based upon the previous work with regards to the online courses. The candidates will be shortlisted by a panel of judges and the following factors will be considered while making the decision:

  • The application form should be adequately completed by the applicants. Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.
  • The previous work of the applicants will be taken into consideration. The student’s ability to substantially complete online courses in platforms such as Udacity will be standing on a higher ground.
  • The applicants must have sufficient basic knowledge of the programs they are going to pursue.
  • The quality and thoughtfulness of the responses will be taken into consideration.
  • The judges will look for the following factors while making the decisions: Orientation towards their goals, Willingness to make a positive impact, Signs of displaying determination, Interesting perspective with signs of diversity.
  • The judges hold the right to withhold the number of scholarships provided if the scholarships don’t receive the required number of desirable candidates.

Upon being selected the representatives will approach the winners via phone call or email to proceed with scholarship process. Google also holds the right to announce the name of the winners publicly. The top students in one of their courses will be given full scholarships and they can complete the whole course for free.

Scholarship offer structure

The Udacity Google India scholarship program offers two courses under it: Web developer and Android developer courses. A total of 15000 students will be taken for both of the courses and will be put under either of the tracks based on the skill level of the applicant. Out of the 15000 applicants 10000 will be put in the beginner course and 5000 will be put on the intermediate course which will also be determined by the skill level of the applicant.

For beginner Web Developer participants: 3 months of access to HTML + CSS course and have to design and build websites at the end of the course. Top 350 students from this program will be offered scholarships for Front-end web developer nano degree program.

For intermediate Web Developer participants: 3 months of access to Offline web applications course will be provided. The students are expected to build a responsive web application at the end of the course. Top 150 students from this course will be offered scholarships for mobile web specialist nano degree program.

For beginner android developer participants: 3 months of access to Android basics: user interface course will be provided. The students have to build android apps at the end of the course. Top 350 students from this course will be provided scholarships for Android basics nano degree program.

For intermediate android developer participants: 3 months of access to developing android apps course will be provided. The student is expected to be a full-fledged android developer at the end of the course. Top 150 students from this course will be offered scholarships for Android developer nano degree program.

Terms and conditions

  • By applying for the scholarship the applicant is bound by the terms and conditions of the scholarship.
  • Only participants who meet the eligibility requirements are allowed to apply for the Udacity Google India Scholarship.
  • Each participant is limited to an entry of only one application for the scholarship.
  • In any dispute over the ownership of the account registered for the scholarship, the account will fall to the “Authorised Account Holder”
  • Udacity holds the final say in the winners of the scholarship prize.
  • The winners of the scholarships will have their fees paid directly by the Udacity.
  • The scholarship cannot be exchanged for any monetary sum.
  • Those who have not completed their courses within three months are not eligible to ask for their fees in return.
  • Udacity will not take into account the taxes that have to be paid by the students in their respective countries.
  • Udacity will not provide any additional sponsorships to any existing or past participants as well as winners.
  • The program will be governed by both Udacity and Google together.
  • The submissions provided during the application process as well as during the assignments should be the original work of the student.





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